SobaZaGosteMaribor I 21. 6. 2021
Claudio Beorchia: Pripoveduj mi reko
Razstava "Pripoveduj mi reko", aktualnega gosta rezidenčnega programa SobaZaGosteMaribor Claudia Beorchie.Pripoveduj mi reko je raziskava reke Drave, natančneje refleksija splošnega dojemanja vode v sodobni družbi.
Pripoveduj mi reko, osrednje delo na razstavi je zgodba o reki - od njenega izvira do Maribora - ki se napaja s stotinami recenzij in mnenj o Dravi in njenih posebnostih ter znamenitostih objavljenih na Googlu in TripAdvisorju. Izbor najbolj nenavadnih, izvirnih, pomenljivih ali rekurzivnih kritik, je preurejen in ponovno sestavljen v literarni kolaž, ki sledi presenetljivim povezavam in pomenskim stikom, oživi zborovsko kompozicijo o reki in njenih vodah.
Fontana - avdio vizualna instalacija, ki artikulira Pripoveduj mi reko, je odraz vode in njene vloge kot naravnega vira mesta. Gre za nekakšen poetičen kratek stik: mestno energijo proizvajajo hidroelektrarne na Dravi; televizorji dela Fontana tako lahko delujejo zahvaljujoč se rečni energiji, na zaslonih pa opazujemo slike jezu elektrarne, ki proizvaja to energijo.
Poleg pojma vode, projekt Pripoveduj mi reko nagovarja tudi temo pokrajine in gradnje, pogosto mediirane skozi digitalne in telematske tehnologije dosegljive ljudem ter pojma avtor in avtorstvo, transformirana po razcvetu družbenih medijev.

GuestRoomMaribor I 21.6.2021
Claudio Beorchia: Tell me a river
Tell me a river is an investigation about the Drava river, or, more precisely, a reflection on how people perceive water within contemporary society.The main work of the exhibition: Tell me a river, is a narration of Drava - from its source to Maribor - that feeds on hundreds of reviews about the river, its attractions and landmarks, written and published on Google and TripAdvisor. A selection of the most curious, original, and recursive reviews is rearranged and reassembled in a literary collage that pursues semantic links shaped in a choral composition of the river and its waters.
Fountain - the audio-visual installation that builds on Tell me a river, is also a reflection on water and its role as a resource for the city. It is a kind of poetic short-circuit: the city's energy is supplied by hydroelectric power plants along the Drava; the televisions of Fountain can work thanks to the energy provided by the river; therefore, on the screens, it is the flow of the images of the dam and the waterfall that provides that energy.
If water is the main subject of the exhibition Tell me a river, there are other related topics in the research: the landscape and its construction, increasingly mediated by digital and telematic technologies available to people; and the concept of author and authorship transformed after the advent of social media.
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
Photo/Foto: Andrej Firm
SobaZaGosteMaribor I 4. 6. 2021
Interesni Safari
IntersniSafari je iskanje stičišča med temo raziskovanja gostujočega umetnika in lokalnim okoljem. Z rezidentom Claudiem Beorchio, ki ga zanima fenomen vode, bomo raziskovali glavno determinanto Maribora – reko Dravo. Skupaj se bomo sprehodili po mitični preteklosti, kot tudi polpretekli industrijski zgodovini mesta, pri tem pa iskali srž povezanosti in prepletenosti mesta in njenih prebivalcev na eni in vode, reke na drugi strani. Kdo daje komu ritem? Reka človeku ali človek reki? Pridružite se diskusiji in spoznajte umetnika.
S predavanji na mestu, komentarji in diskusijo bomo začeli na Lentu, kraju, kjer se je začela pisati zgodba o mestu. Pripeljite se s kolesom, potrebovali ga bomo za raziskovanje!
GuestRoomMaribor I 4. 6. 2021
Interest Safari
IntersniSafari is a search for the intersection between the research subject of the residential artist and the local environment. With the resident Claudio Beorchio, who is interested in the phenomenon of water, we will explore the main determinant of Maribor - the Drava River. Together we will walk through the mythical past as well as the half-past industrial history of the city, looking for the core of the connection and intertwining of the city and its inhabitants on the one hand and the water, the river on the other. Who directs whom the rhythm? The river to the people or the people to the river?
Join the discussion and get to know the artist. We will begin with on-site lectures, comments and discussion at Lent, the place where the story of the city began to be written. Come by bike, we'll need it to explore!
SobaZaGosteMaribor I 4. 6. 2021
Spoznajte rezidenta
Predstavitev dela in prakse aktualnega rezidenta Claudia Beorchie.Claudio Beorchia je interdisciplinarni umetnik iz Italije. Diplomiral in magistriral je iz umetnosti in oblikovanja na Univerzi IUAV v Benetkah in Akademiji lepih umetnosti v Milanu. Doktoriral je na oddelku za Oblikovanje in planiranje v kompleksnih okoljih na Doktorski šoli Univerze IUAV.
Beorchia je razstavljal v številnih razstaviščih v Italiji in v tujini, med drugim: Trienale v Milanu, Hangar Bicocca v Milanu (Italija), Palača Ducale v Genovi (Italija), Bienale v Nakanoju (Japonska), Fundacija A.M. Qattan (Ramala, Palestina), ter Armenskem centru za sodobno eksperimentalno umetnost v Jerevanu (Armenija).
Med rezidenčnim bivanjem in delom v Mariboru bo Claudio Beorchia preučeval naravne in urbane krajine, natančneje kompleksen odnos med ljudmi in vodo.
Več o rezidentu najdete na povezavi:
Meet The Resident
Artist talk with Claudio Beorchia.
Claudio Beorchia is an interdisciplinary artist from Italy. Beorchia completed his BA and MA degrees in Art and Design at the Iuav University and the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. He obtained his Ph.D. in Design Sciences at the Department of Design and Planning in Complex Environments at the Doctorate School of Iuav University.
Beorchia exhibited in dozens of exhibitions in Italy and abroad: Triennale and Hangar Bicocca in Milan (Italy), Palazzo Ducale in Genoa (Italy), the Nakanojo Biennale (Nakanojo, Japan), the A.M. Qattan Foundation, Ramallah (Palestine), the Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Arts, Yerevan (Armenia), among others.
During the residency, Beorchia will investigate natural and urban landscapes i.e. the complex relationship between humans and water.
More about the resident: