s. a. b. a. 2020
SobaZaGosteMaribor I 2020
(s. a. b. a.)

SobaZaGosteMaribor I 11. 12. 2020
Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu: Stories from the land of Capital, video essay, 2020
SobaZaGosteMaribor I 13. 11. 2020
Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu: Stories from the land of Capital, collage, 2020
Prva serija kolažev pod naslovom: "Zgodbe iz zemlje Kapitala št. 1"
First among 3 series of collages titled: "Stories from the land of Capital no. 1" -
"Zgodbe iz zemlje Kapitala št. 2"
"Stories from the land of Capital no. 2" -
"Zgodbe iz zemlje Kapitala št. 3"
"Stories from the land of Capital no. 3" -
"Zgodbe iz zemlje Kapitala št. 4"
"Stories from the land of Capital no. 4" -
"Zgodbe iz zemlje Kapitala št. 5"
"Stories from the land of Capital no. 5" -
"Zgodbe iz zemlje Kapitala št. 5"
"Stories from the land of Capital no. 5"
SobaZaGosteMaribor I 13. 11. 2020
Neljube možnosti. Skripte, scenariji in zgodbe. SABA-in pogled v prihodnost. / Kam iti? Kaj početi?
Vabljeni k ogledu projekta Kam iti? Kaj početi?, ki je nastal v okviru rezidenčnega programa SobaZaGosteMaribor. Sprehodite se mimo Galerije K18, na kateri boste našli intervencijo romunskega umetniškega dvojca, ali spremljajte to spletno stran, na kateri bomo vsak teden objavili dva nova kolaža, na koncu rezidence pa zaključno video delo.
Neljube možnosti. Skripte, scenariji in zgodbe. SABA-in pogled v prihodnost. je tekoči projekt aktualnih rezidentov SobeZaGosteMaribor - Silvie Amancei in Bogdana Armanu, v okviru katerega, preko različnih medijev (besedil, risb, fotografij, kolažev in filma), ponujata naracijo, ki namiguje na pluralnost prihodnosti.
Med svojo spletno rezidenco sta projektu dodala novo poglavje naslovljeno Kam iti? Kaj početi?, ki vsebuje 3 nove intervencije: (1) vizualno podobo na fasadi Galerije K18 (na ogled od 13. 11. 2020, na Koroški cesti 18); (2) serijo šestih kolažev (katere si lahko ogledate na spletni strani rezidenčnega programa); ter (3) video, ki bo objavljen na koncu rezidence. Našteti segmenti projekta so med sabo povezani in obenem delujejo samostojno ter ponujajo distopično, risanki podobno, refleksijo o življenju pod vplivom kapitalizma.
V zadnjih letih je ritem kolizije dogodkov akceleriral razblinjanje posameznikovaga sentimenta udobja in varnosti celo v gospodarsko superiornih družbah. Človeška psiha je prežeta z revščino, delovno odtujenostjo, terorističnimi grožnjami in političnimi nemiri, nujnimi ekološkimi ukrepi in virološkimi grožnjami ter njihovim pospešenim ritmom pojavnosti. V tem kontekstu postane smrt edina gotovost, ki nas imobilizira z njeno pretečo grožnjo. S projektom Kam iti? Kaj početi? skušata umetnika predstaviti to problematiko in vzpostaviti stik z gledalcem, osveščati o stanju v naši družbi in o nevarnostih, ki lebdijo v nad nami.
GuestRoomMaribor I 13.11.2020
Unlovable Prospects. Scripts, Screenplays and Stories. SABA’s look on the Future. / Where to go? What to do?
You are kindly invited to take a look at the project Where to go? What to do?, made as part of the residency program GuestRoomMaribor. Take a stroll next to Gallery K18 and you can check out the intervention by Romanian artist duo, and/or, follow our web page and social media, where we will be posting duo’s more new content: collages on weakly basis and at the end of the residency, we will add their closing video piece.
“Unlovable Prospects. Scripts, Screenplays, and Stories. SABA’s look on the Future” is an on-going project by Silvia Amancei and Bogdan Armanu, where the two propose to envisage a plurality of futures through a plurality of scripts, screenplays, and stories, narration that will be mediated with a diverse range of artistic mediums, from text and drawing to photography and film.
During their GuestRoomMaribor residency, SABA developed their project with three new interventions: a series of six collages (“Stories from the land of Capital 1 & 2”), a short video, and an intervention on the façade of the Gallery K18 (“Where to go? What to do?”). These three parts of the projects are interconnected and independent at the same time, offering a dystopian cartoonish reflection on life under capitalism.
Throughout the past years, the rhythm of the collision of events has accelerated shattering any sentiment of comfort and safety one had, even in the economically superior societies. From poverty and work alienation to the terrorist threat of the other, from political turmoil to ecological emergency and virologic threat, the human psyche has been overburned by these issues and the accelerated rhythm of their appearance. Within this context, death becomes the only certainty and we become immobilized by its threat. Through the “Where to go? What to do?” the artists look to present these issues and interact with the people crossing by, raising awareness on the condition in our societies and the threats that float in the air.
SobaZaGosteMaribor I 12. 11. 2020
Interesni safari: Projekcije praznih besed
Simon Žlahtič, um. zg.
V soboto, 14. 11. 2020, ob 19.00, vas vabimo na spletni dgodek, ki bo potekal na Facebook profilu GuestRoomMaribor in na Youtube kanalu Pekarna Magdalenske mreže.V zadnjih desetletjih smo v mestu priča praznim obljubam in velikopoteznim načrtom investitorjev in mestne politike. V želji po ustvarjanju vtisa, bodisi velikega mesta, bodisi zaradi dobička ali pridobivanja morebitnih političnih točk, se pred javnostjo razgrnejo načrti, ob katerih osupnemo. Na žalost, ali v nekaterih primerih celo na srečo, ostane večina projektov zgolj na papirju.
Skupaj z rezidentoma SobeZaGosteMaribor - Silvio Amnacei in Bogdanom Armanu se bomo tokrat virtualno sprehodili po mestu in si skupaj ogledali in spoznali pripovedi praznih, zapuščenih ali degradiranih prostorov, ki čakajo na uresničitev projekcij izpred leta, desetletja ali več. Tako se bomo sprehodili od neobstoječe najvišje stolpnice v Sloveniji, do najgloblje luknje za bodočo umetnostno galerijo. Od mariborskega Manhattna izpred več kot desetletja pa se bomo podali še k aktualnejšim projekcijam, ki zadevajo prometno ureditev mesta v bližnji prihodnosti.
GuestRoomMaribor I 12. 11. 2020
Interest Safari: Projections of empty words
Simon Žlahtič, art. his.
On Saturday 14. 11. 2020 at 7 pm, you are kindly invited to Interest Safari titled "Projections of empty words". The event is going to be premiered on GuestRoomMaribor FB profile. Additionally, the video of Safari will be uploaded on Pekarna Magdalenske mreže’s YouTube channel.
For the last few decades, we have been hearing about many grand plans and empty promises by investors and local politicians for our city. Plans that will transform Maribor into a prosperous metropolis, all under the guise of profiting and collecting political points, have been served to the dazzled locals. Unfortunately, or luckily, most of these plans have not been realized and remain only on the paper.
With the GuestRoomMaribor residents Silvia Amnacei and Bogdan Armanu we will take a virtual walk through the city and get to know tales of empty, abandoned, or degraded spaces that are waiting for their long-awaited realization. Therefore we will take a stroll from the nonexistent highest skyscraper in Slovenia to the deepest hole made for a future gallery. After checking the Maribor Manhattan from over a decade ago we shall go and see more contemporary projections regarding the organization of traffic in the city in the near future.
SobaZaGosteMaribor I 29. 10. 2020
Spoznajte rezidenta: Silvia Amancei in Bogdan Armanu
Silvia Amancei (1991) in Bogdan Armanu (1991) sta umetniški dvojec iz Rumunije, ki živi in dela v Angliji. Leta 2015 sta končala magisterij na »George Enescu« Univerzi za umetnost (Fakulteta za vizualno umetnost in dizajn) v lașiju. Njuna umetniška praksa se umešča na mejo med družbenimi vedami in vizualno umetnostjo skozi raziskavo metod in primerov, v katerih se lahko umetnost in načini umetniške prakse instrumentalizirajo z namenom preseganja možnosti razmisleka onstran kapitalistične stvarnosti in kreiranja (skupne) prihodnosti.
Sodelujeta od leta 2012, za seboj imata številne samostojne razstave: It was always in plain sight (2020, Bukarešta, RO), If Then What After (2019, Baden, AT), What Past? What Future? (2017, Linz, AT), Return to Spaceship Earth (2017, Bukarešta, RO), Depression, Uncertainty and Other Symptoms of Mortality (2016, Lodz, PL), Clinical Architectures for a Compositionist Future (Part II) (2016, Iași, RO), (No)Future (2015, Eckernforde, DE), Metropia (2014, Iași, RO).
Njuna dela so bila predstavljena na številnih skupinskih razstavah, med drugimi na: STRIKE GENTLY AWAY ____ (2019, Salzburg, AT), Displacement and Togetherness (2019, Bruselj, BE), Baywatch (2018, Berlin, DE), Alternative Facts (2018, Stuttgart, DE), Odessa Biennial (2017, Odessa, UA), Between Democracies 1989–2014, (2015, Johannesburg, ZA), Appearance &; Essence, 1 st Timisoara Art Encounters Biennale (2015, Timisoara, RO), CLOSE-UP (2015, Praga, CZ).
Sodelujeta od leta 2012, za seboj imata številne samostojne razstave: It was always in plain sight (2020, Bukarešta, RO), If Then What After (2019, Baden, AT), What Past? What Future? (2017, Linz, AT), Return to Spaceship Earth (2017, Bukarešta, RO), Depression, Uncertainty and Other Symptoms of Mortality (2016, Lodz, PL), Clinical Architectures for a Compositionist Future (Part II) (2016, Iași, RO), (No)Future (2015, Eckernforde, DE), Metropia (2014, Iași, RO).
Njuna dela so bila predstavljena na številnih skupinskih razstavah, med drugimi na: STRIKE GENTLY AWAY ____ (2019, Salzburg, AT), Displacement and Togetherness (2019, Bruselj, BE), Baywatch (2018, Berlin, DE), Alternative Facts (2018, Stuttgart, DE), Odessa Biennial (2017, Odessa, UA), Between Democracies 1989–2014, (2015, Johannesburg, ZA), Appearance &; Essence, 1 st Timisoara Art Encounters Biennale (2015, Timisoara, RO), CLOSE-UP (2015, Praga, CZ).
GuestRoomMaribor I 29. 10. 2020
Meet the residents: Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu
Silvia Amancei (1991) and Bogdan Armanu (1991) are an artist tandem from Romania living and working in England. They graduated MA (2015) studies at “George Enescu” University of Arts (Faculty of Visual Art and Design) in lasi. Their artistic practice could be positioned at the border between social studies and visual art, researching for methods and examples where art and artistic means can be instrumentalized in order to over exceed the ability to look beyond capitalism and create a (common) future.Working together since 2012, the two artists have materialized a series of solo exhibitions, exploring the paradigm of life exploitation: “If Then What After” (2019, Baden, AT), “What Past? What Future?”(2017, Linz, AT), “When atoms collide and disturb entropy” (2017, Craiova, RO), “Return to Spaceship Earth” (2017, Bucharest, RO), “Depression, Uncertainty and other symptoms of Mortality” (2016, Lodz, Poland), “In Search for Causes and Realities” (2016, Iasi, Romania), “Clinical Architectures for a Compositionist Future (Part II)” (2016, Iasi, Romania), “Constellations of Desires” (2016, Iasi, Romania), “(No)Future” (2015, Eckernforde, Germany), “No Hope For a Future” (2015, Iasi, Romania), “Metropia” (2014, Iasi,Romania).
Their work has been presented in numerous collective exhibitions such as: “Go, Stop, Stay” (2019, Debrecen, HU), “STRIKE GENTLY AWAY ____” (2019, Salzburg, AT), “Displacement and Togetherness” (2019, Brussels, BE), “Capital’s Time Machine” (2018, Bucharest, RO), “Baywatch” (2018, Berlin, DE), “Alternative Facts” (2018, Stuttgart, DE), “Odessa Biennial” (2017, Odessa, Ukraine), “BIDEODROMO. International Experimental Film and Video Festival”(2016, Bilbao, Spain), “After Eden” (2016, Budapest, Hungary), “In Times of Hope and Unrest” (2015, Bucharest, Romania) “Between Democracies 1989-2014”, (2015, Johannesburg, South Africa), “Appearance &; Essence”, 1st Timisoara
Art Encounters Biennale (2015, Timisoara, Romania), “Visualcontainer TV” (2015, Marseille, France), “CLOSE-UP” (2015, Prague, Czech Republic).